Education and Outreach

I am committed to using interactive learning experiences, engaging storytelling, and visual communication to make science accessible and captivating for everyone, regardless of background or education level.

Education and Outreach

I am committed to using interactive learning experiences, engaging storytelling, and visual communication to make science accessible and captivating for everyone, regardless of background or education level.
In today's rapidly advancing world, making science accessible to the layperson is more essential than ever. Bridging the gap between complex scientific concepts and public understanding empowers individuals, promoting a more scientifically literate society. By demystifying research findings and emphasizing their relevance in everyday life, I aim to ignite curiosity, encourage critical thinking, and inspire the next generation of scientists.

Scientific Illustration

As a scientist at heart with an eye for illustration, I firmly believe in the transformative power of blending scientific discovery with the art of visualization. My philosophy centers around the idea that every scientific paper, particularly those conveying groundbreaking findings, should be accompanied by a graphical abstract. This approach not only makes research findings more digestible and engaging but also bridges the gap between complex data and the general public. Through illustrations, we can unlock the stories hidden within data, making science accessible and captivating to a wider audience. I have provided illustrations for various papers, including my own, and even had a feature on the cover of JGR: Oceans.

I follow a strict pay-what-you-can-afford model. I believe that effective communication of scientific findings should not be reserved only for those who can afford expensive illustrative commissions. All rates are negotiable, and I also provide several Creative Commons stock images that anyone can use in their own graphics.

Beneath the Surface

Beneath the Surface is a podcast I run aimed at demystifying current scientific literature in the ocean sciences. Every week, I find some of the latest marine biology research and cover it in a way that's easy for listeners to understand regardless of their educational background. It has been met with wonderful reception and was even selected for the Editor's Choice feature on Swellcast.

Swim Down: Finding Neurodivergent Identity
in the Depths

Swim Down is an amazing collaborative project I did with Lilianna Watson for her master's capstone presentation at Scripps Institution of Oceanography. It is a digital graphic novel that illustrates the underwater journey of a neurodivergent teenager through the Monterey Submarine Canyon, during which she discovers that her sensory differences have parallels to powerful deep sea adaptations. I was thrilled to bring this project to life as a concept artist and illustrator, and Lilianna has presented the comic at the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI), the California State Capitol, and Scripps Institution of Oceanography. It has also been featured in write-ups by the Monterey Bay Aquarium and the Deep Ocean Stewardship Initiative.